International Journal of Enhanced Research in Management & Computer Applications (IJERMCA), Impact Factor: 8.285

IJERMCA having Impact Factor: 8.285 is an international multidisciplinary journal which invites unpublished novel, original, empirical and high quality research work pertaining to recent developments & practices in the areas of Marketing, e-Procurement, e-Business Models, Business Economics, Intelligent Agents, Research Methods, Digital Economies, Management Strategy, Mobile Applications, Accounting and Finance Operations Management, Information Technology, Electronic Governance, e-Commerce Economics, e-Commerce Services, e-Commerce Applications, Industrial Development, Intelligent Organisations, Organizational Behaviour, Public Sector Management, Advances in Encryption, Knowledge Management, Digital Goods and Services, Jurisdiction in Cyberspace, Enterprise Resource Models, IT and Network Organisations, Enterprise Resource Planning, Geographic Information Systems, Managing the Rapid Changes in IT, Distributed Software Development, Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, Medical Sciences, Engineering & Technology, National & International Economies. IJERMCA journal is indexed in Thomson Reuters Web of Science Researcherid, Directory of Science, Endnotes, Google Scholar, Europeana Libraries, Index Copernicus and many more national & International libraries. IJERMCA is also indexed in UGC Approved List of Journals. IJERMCA is one of the UGC Approved Journal in India and also UGC certified International Peer Reviewed and Refereed journal.

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