Free Bible Activity: God Wants Us to Be Kind to Others

Bible point: God wants us to be kind to others.

Kindness Is a Choice

The Bible calls us to be kind—and sometimes it’s not an easy choice. No one showed kindness better than Jesus. Jesus chose, oftentimes against cultural norms, to serve others with kindness. We’re called to this same, self-sacrificing type of kindness—to make kind choices that may be hard. Jesus asked us to treat others with more than smiley-face politeness. He calls us to feed, clothe, and care for strangers (Matthew 25:31-46), to show lovingkindness even to those people who rub us the wrong way (Matthew 5:43-48).

Explore the Bible

Say: God wants us to be kind to others, so let’s practice something I call “kind-sight.” I’m going to read a passage from Matthew chapter 5. It’s part of a popular teaching Jesus gave on a mountainside. As I read, I want you to be looking and listening for moments when someone is kind or kindness is encouraged. When you hear something kind, stand up to interrupt my reading, and tell me how you spot kindness. Ready?

Read Matthew 5:43-48 aloud, allowing moments for kids to interrupt and tell you when they hear an example of kindness. Speak encouragingly to kids who have sharp “kind-sight” for noticing kindnesses in the Scripture.

Discuss Kind-Sights

Say: Your kindness interrupted me—it made me stop and listen.

Say: When people are kind, it’s sometimes a surprise—something we don’t expect. Let’s explore more about the way kindness changes us.

The Praying Kind

Say: One of the best ways to be kind to someone else is simply to pray for that person. And we can pray anytime! God wants us to be kind to others, so let’s practice praying for people right now.

Give every child a 3×5 card and a pencil.

Say: Think of one person you’d like to pray for right now. It might be a parent, a friend, your brother or sister, a leader at church, or anyone else that comes to mind. Draw a little sketch of that person on your card.

Prayer Prompts

Tell kids to follow your prompts as you lead them in praying for the people on their cards. Pause for at least 30 seconds between prompts.

Say: Amen! Fold your card and put it in your pocket. Keep it nearby this week to help you remember that God wants us to be kind to others—and we can always be kind in prayer.

This Bible activity comes from a lesson in Grow Together Now, Vol. 2. Looking for more lesson ideas for mixed ages of children? Check out some of Group’s other great children’s lessons and sermons.

Plus, you can find even more Bible lesson ideas here!

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