Memorizing English vocabulary is a necessary step to speak English. Designed for school or personal use, these English words lists allows you to enrich your vocabulary in a targeted and effective way.
Each lesson contains hundreds of English words that you can memorize easily, classified and indexed into different themes of daily life to cover all the most used and most common vocabulary in English: family, geography, sport, professions, media, travel and everyday topics…
This page will be useful both as part of individual learning whether you are a student, traveller or professional, and as a complement to school work.
All the words lists on this page are free to download in PDF so you will always have at hand a simple and concise reference tool to find the right word in all circumstances. You will need to use a dictionary to search for the meaning of words you don’t already know. With the help of those lists, you will be able to understand words that you do not know from their context, and thus enrich your vocabulary even more as you go along.
If you are teaching or learning ESL, you can use those essential English vocabulary lists to help you in your lessons. You can also use these words lists if you are preparing for the IELTS exam.
English vocabulary list (include free PDF)
- Domestic animals and farm animals
- Zoo animals
- The birds
- The insects
- Aquatic animals
- Nature
- Feelings and emotions
- The environment
- Hospitality
- Clothing
- Transportation
- The family
- Politics & Government
- Travel & tourism
- The human body
- Physical description: the face
- Health and Medicine
- The astrological signs
- Halloween
- Business
- Fruits and vegetables
- The Weather
- Movies & cinema
- Christmas
- The House
- Real estate
- Marketing
- Finance
- IT & internet
- Job interview
- Immigration
- Sciences
- Journalism & press
- Good and bad qualities
- Money and banking
- Photography
- The religion
- The five senses
- Love and wedding
- Beach and seaside
- War and peace
- History and past
- Sport
- Cycling
- Trains and railways
- Trees, plants and gardening
- Mythology and heroes
- Music
- Hobbies
- The city
- Architecture and construction
- Bathroom items
- Education and school
- Soccer
- Wine
- Kitchen utensils
- Routine & daily life
- Communication
- Food & nutrition
- Gestures and positions
- Personality: character and behavior
- Astronomy, space and universe
- Natural disasters
- Accidents and injuries
- Crimes
- The quantities
- List of jobs in English
- Expressing opinion
- At the airport
- Logistics
- Food & drinks
- Linking words
- Accounting
- Materials
- Law and Legal terms
- Business and Economics
- Useful adjectives (A to C)
- Useful adjectives (D to H)
- Useful adjectives (I to O)
- Useful adjectives (P to S)
- Useful adjectives (T to Z)
- 100 most common Phrasal verbs list
- List of adverbs
- 100 most used English verbs
- 100 English verbs of body movement and action
- 100 most common English adverbs